Glenview Illinois Council ~
February 19, 2025
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Glenview Navy League is a recognized non-profit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible as otherwise provided by law.

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Check for $2,000 to Young Marines
The Glenview Council and Chicago's Own Young Marines held a Toys for Tots Benefit on Saturday, November 18, 2023.  The benefit raised $4,000 for the Marines Toys for Tots Campaign and $2,000 for Chicago's Own Young Marines.  The Young Marine Unit is sponsored by the Council.  Also, hundreds of new toys were donated to the MACG48 at its headquarters located at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center.
Glenview Council Board Members, Nick and Marge Kaup and Mary Long were Co-Chairs and presented the $4,000 check to the Marines.

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L-R: GySgt Hawkins, SGM Connor, Col Allen, Mary Long, Marge Kaup and Nick Kaup

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Right to Left: Glenview Council Members Helene Jacobsen, Barry Jacobsen, and Al Gordon present a $3,000 check to the Toys for Tots Coordinator at Marine Corps Air Group 48 Great Lakes.  The check was presented at the collection warehouse.
Due to the Covid epidemic, the Council for the second year was unable to have its Toys for Tots Gala so a fundraising appeal was conducted which generated the donated funds.

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The USS Illinois (SSN 786) submarine home-based in Pearl Harbor, will be deploying shortly.  The 786 Club is supplying half way gift boxes for the single sailors on board.  Married sailors families provide gift boxes for their sailors, so the Club wanted to make sure the single sailors also are provided gift boxes half way through the deployment.
Cheryl Haugen, a Glenview Council member, has been working with the children from St. John's Lutheran School, LaGrange, IL crafting ditty bags made with University of Illinois logo material, and recently shipped 75 bags to be included in the half way boxes for the single sailors.
The sailors really appreciate being remembered by the home folks while they are out to sea, so the Council participated in this 786 Club project.

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Sgt. Brendan Jeffords, right Mary A. Long, Glenview Council, Ex. V.P., center Cpl. Dante Watts, left

Mary Long of the Glenview Council presents a check for $3,000 to MACG 48, Great Lakes, IL, to purchase toys for the 2020 Toys for Tots Campaign.  Due to Covid-19, the annual Toys for Tots Gala was cancelled and in lieu the Council held a Toys for Tots No-Show Gala which generated funds for Toys for Tots and the Council's Youth programs.  Grateful thanks to our members and friends who very generously supported our No-Show Gala.

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The Glenview Council presented a $6,000 check to the Marine Air Control Group 48.  The funds were raised at the annual Toys for Tots Gala held on Saturday, November 16, 2019.

Photo: Nick Kaup, Alan Gordon, Lt. Col. Christopher Heppler, Edward Marshall, Glenview Council President, Sgt. Maj. Keith Miller.

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The Glenview Council presented a $6,000 check to the Marine Air Control Group 48 stationed at Great Lakes Training Station to purchase toys for the Toys for Tots Campaign.  The funds were raised at the annual Toys for Tots Gala held on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at the Hilton/Chicago/Northbrook Hotel.  The Gala also raised funds to support the Wheeling High School JNROTC, Benfold Sea Cadets and Chicago's Young Marines.  These units have been adopted by the Council.

Photo: SgtMaj Andrian L. Tagliere, SSgt Ryan Potter, Mary Long, Council Ex. V.P, Edward Marshall, Council President, Commanding Officer, Col. Scott A. Gondek, Al Gordon, Council V.P. of Navy Affairs.

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Edward Marshall, President and Mary Long, Toys for Tots Gala Chair, delivered a check for $5,000 to GySGT Chistopher Brake at Marine Air Control Group 48 at Great Lakes, Illinois.  The Council also donated many toys collected at the Gala.

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On April 20, 2016, the Edward Marshal, President of the Glenview Council awarded two scholarships at the Wheeling Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Annual Awards Ceremony.  The Glenview Council sponsors the Wheeling High School JNROTC.

Photo: Edward Marshall, Glenview Council President, Cadet Lt. Mathew Hufano, Cadet LCDR Lauren Monsen

Cadet Hufano was also awarded a ROTC scholarship at Loyola University and Cadet Monsen was also awarded a ROTC scholarship at Georgetown University.

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A check for $6,100 that was delivered to Marine Corps Air Control Group 48.

Left to right - SgtMaj Isaacson; Edward Marshall, Council President, Mary Long, Toys for Tots Gala Chair; Col. Paul Weaver, Commanding Officer of MACG 48, GySGT Dennis Jones, Toys for Tots Coordinator.

The Navy League of the United States was founded in 1902 with the encouragement of President Theodore Roosevelt.  It is unique among military-oriented associations in that it is a civilian organization dedicated to the education of our citizens, including our elected officials, and the support of the men and women of the sea services and their families.

The objective and purpose of the Navy League is twofold: educational and motivational.  We must acquire and display before the citizens of our country information regarding the condition of our naval and maritime forces.  We must awaken interest and support in all matters which aid our maritime capabilities.

"It seems to me that all good Americans interested in the growth of their country and sensitive to its honor, should give hearty support to the policies which the Navy League is founded to further.  For the building and maintaining in proper shape of the American Navy, we must rely on nothing but the broad and farsighted patriotism of our people as a whole."  Teddy Roosevelt
To this end, the Navy League works closely with the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and US-flag Merchant Marine through a network of over 240 councils in the U.S. and around the world.  The Navy League has over 35 thousand active members.

The Navy League supports America's young people through its youth programs, including sponsorship of the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League Scholarship Program.  Individual councils are also involved in promoting youth-oriented activities in their communities such as NJROTC, MCJROTC, and ROTC units along with other recognized youth programs.  Local councils and national headquarters provide over $200,000 in scholarships and awards every year.

Navy League councils support active duty military personnel through "adoption" of ships, installations, and units; commissioning ceremonies; award programs; and other recognition programs.

Over the years, the Navy League has compiled an impressive record of accomplishments.  Today the Navy League is widely respected by citizens, community and industrial leaders, and public officials.  Navy League programs are welcomed in communities throughout the nation, and members are recognized for their integrity and patriotism.


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Wheeling High School Junior ROTC
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Chicago's Own Young Marines

Our Council Is Proud To Support
The Navy's
Littoral Combat Ship Program

Marinette Marine Website
LCS: The Future Is Now
Lockheed Martin: About the LCS Program

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